The growing prominence of research activities in Signal and Image Processing provides ample research opportunities for the prospective researchers. ASPIRE is a hub for researchers working in the area of signal and image processing applications, which use machine learning and deep learning techniques to a great extent. It is envisaged to improve the culture of research among faculty and students who are interested to work in this domain, in terms of funded research projects, doctoral research, student projects,seminars, training programs, publications and internships.

Thrust Areas

Signal Processing
Image Processing
Speech Processing
Computer Vision
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence

Aims & Objectives

  • To integrate various research activities in the area of Signal and Image Processing at IIIT Kottayam
  • To provide a platform for academicians in India and abroad to cooperate in research and development in the area of signal and image processing
  • To explore newer avenues of research in signal and image processing by integrating knowledge from various fields such as
    machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence
  • To organize seminars, workshops, conferences in the relevant area on regular basis

Core Group

Internal Faculty Members

Dr. Leena Mary

Research Interests: Speech Processing, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Speaker Forensics

Dr. Santhos Kumar

Research Interests: Pattern Classification, Image Segmentation and Classification

Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi

Research Interests: Image Processing, Medical Image analysis,Underwater imaging, Deep Learning

Dr. Kanchan Lata Kashyap

Research Interests: Image Processing, Machine Learning, Natural Language processing

Dr. Jalaja M. J.

Research Interests: Wireless Sensor Networks, Underwater Sensor Networks

Dr. Cinu C Kiliroor

Research Interests: Machine Learning, Social Network Analysis, Data Analytics

Dr. Sreeja M. U.

Research Interests: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep learning, Explainable AI for healthcare, Video summarization

Dr. Priyadharshini S.

Research Interests: Computer Vision, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Machine Learning, Multi-Objective based Optimization, Spatio-Temporal Video Summarization, Spherical Video Summarization

Dr. Dakshayani J.

Research Interests: Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Image Processing, Precision Agriculture

Dr. Krishnendhu S P

Research Interests: Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Computer Vision, Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Dr. Athira B

Research Interests: Data Mining, Natural Language Processing, Health Informatics, Machine Learning

External Members

Dr. S. R. Mahadeva Prasanna

Dept of Electrical Engineering,
IIT Dharwad

Dr. C Krishna Mohan

Department of Computer Science and Engineering ,
IIT Hyderabad

Dr. Sri Rama Murty K

Department of Electrical Engineering & Artificial Intelligence,
IIT Hyderabad

Dr. Supriya M H

Department of Electronics
Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT), Kochi

Dr. Ajish Abraham

Department of Electronics,
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysuru

Dr. Vijay Bhaskar Semwal

Assistant professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MANIT), Bhopal

Dr. Starlet Ben Alex

Associate Professor,
Saint Gits College of Engineering,

Dr. Sreekumar G.

Associate Professor,
Department of ECE,
Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology

Dr. Deekshitha G

Post-doctoral Fellow,
Department of Electrical Engineering,
IISc Bangalore

Dr. Berin Pathrose

Associate Professor,
Department of Agricultural Entomology,
College of Agriculture, Vellanikkara
Kerala Agricultural university (KAU)

External Collaborations

Rubber Research Institute of India (RRII)Kottayam

All India Institute of Speech and Hearing (AIISH), Mysuru

NEOS HealthTech Private Limited Chennai

Doctoral Research ( In Progress )

Sl.No Title Scholar Supervisor
1 AI based decision support system for early detection and prediction of gynecological abnormalities Veenamol K V Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
2 An automated predictive model to scrutinize plant phenotype to fulfill the requirements in agriculture domain Neethu C T Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi,
Dr. Leena Mary
3 An IoT-based pesticide detection in leafy vegetables using deep learning Anju Augustin Dr.Cinu C Kiliroor
4 Heuristic approaches for Giga-pixel whole slide image analysis in digital pathology Pillai Praveen Thulasidharan Dr. Jayakrushna Sahoo ,
Dr. Leena Mary

M. Tech Projects ( Ongoing/ Completed )

Sl.No Title Student Supervisor
1 Automated Diagnosis of Covid-19 and Pneumonia Using Transfer Learning Advait Asok Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
2 Tuberculosis Detection in Chest Radiograph using CNN Models Jinu John Veyccan Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
3 Air quality estimation in Remote Sensing Data Navil Paul Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
4 ”Med-Match” Real-Time Medicine Name Matching for Accurate Market Analysis in the Pharmaceutical Industry Abhijith EM Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
5 Enhancing Retail Supply Chain Efficiency through Multivariate Time Series Forecasting Sreejesh S Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
6 Banana Leaf Disease Spotting Amritha M Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
7 AI based predictive and prescriptive recommendation system for effective teaching-learning in K-12 Schooling Ecosystem Dhanu Kishor Dr.Cinu C Kiliroor

B. Tech Projects/Honors Projects ( Ongoing/completed )

Sl.No Title Student Supervisor
1 Medical and Plant Image Classification: Machine Learning Based Approaches Nagi Reddy Desam Dr.Santhos Kumar A
2 Fuzzy Min Max Neural Networks - Clustering Lalith Kumar Done Dr.Santhos Kumar A
3 Machine learning based on approaches for classification of bio-medical images Mudigonda Sai Karthikeya Dr.Santhos Kumar A
4 Driver monitoring system using ML in IoT devices Aditi Shukla Dr.Santhos Kumar A
5 Detection of mental illness like depression using ML and sentimental analysis Aditi Shukla Dr.Santhos Kumar A
6 Performance Evaluation of Deep Learning Techniques for Masked Face Recognition Shaik Luckman Lal Miya Bahadur Dr.Santhos Kumar A
7 Blockchain Based Learning Management System Alwin Sebastian,
Abhimanyu Kumbhar,
K Raghuvamshi ,
Raguraam D
Dr.Santhos Kumar A
8 Sentiment-Based Simplification of Legal Text Som Sagar,
Swani D
Dr.Cinu C Kiliroor
9 Forensic Automatic Speaker Recognition: Coping with Speaker Impersonation Laxmi Harshitha Dr. Leena Mary
10 Driver Drowsiness Detection Karthikeya,
Sunny ,
Abhishek Kumar
Dr.Santhos Kumar A
11 Emotion Recognition from Speech using Deep Learning Models Fathima Hanan Parakkot Dr. Leena Mary
12 Clone Identification of Rubber Plants using Image Processing Techniques Gurram Varshini Dr. Leena Mary
13 Automatic Spoken Language Identification Pujari Umesh Dr. Leena Mary
14 Text-independent Automatic Speaker Recognition Arundhathy K. Dr. Leena Mary

Internships ( Ongoing/completed )

Sl.No Title Scholar Supervisor
1 Stem Bleeding in Coconut trees Ben George Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
2 Epilepsy detection in EEG signals Martha Simon Dr. Lidiya Lilly Thampi
3 Deep Learning based human Identification through Gait Features Aswin Asok Dr.Cinu C Kiliroor